



  • 2013
    imgS E

    Mob City

    Mob City

    6.70 2013 HD

    The true story of a decades-long conflict between the Los Angeles Police Department, under the determined leadership of Police Chief William Parker,...

  • 2018
    imgS E

    Star Trek: Short Treks

    Star Trek: Short Treks

    6.33 2018 HD

    Each episode tells a stand-alone story that serves as an opportunity for deeper storytelling and exploration of key characters and themes that fit...

  • 2003
    imgS E

    Divergence Eve

    Divergence Eve

    7.20 2003 HD

    In the 24th Century, Intergalactic Space Travel has become a reality. One of the first outposts in the far reaches of space is Watcher's Nest - an...

  • 2009
    imgS E

    The Good Wife

    The Good Wife

    7.60 2009 HD

    Alicia Florrick boldly assumes full responsibility for her family and re-enters the workforce after her husband's very public sex and political...

  • 2007
    imgS E

    Veliki pokovci

    Veliki pokovci

    7.91 2007 HD

    Leonard in Sheldon sta zagrizena kvantna fizika. Čeprav je ni stvari, ki je o fiziki ne bi vedela, pa sta glede vsakdanjih stvari popolnoma...

  • 2019
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    8.68 2019 HD

    Resnična zgodba o eni najhujših katastrof, ki jih je povzročil človek v zgodovini: jedrski nesreči v Černobilu. Zgodba o pogumnih...

  • 2013
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    Attack on Titan

    Attack on Titan

    8.67 2013 HD

    Many years ago, the last remnants of humanity were forced to retreat behind the towering walls of a fortified city to escape the massive, man-eating...

  • 2016
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    Čudne stvari

    Čudne stvari

    8.60 2016 HD

    Dogajanje je postavljeno v izmišljeno mesto Hawkins v začetku osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Gre za popolnoma običajno majhno...

  • 2011
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    Igra prestolov

    Igra prestolov

    8.46 2011 HD

    Sedem plemiških družin se bori za nadzor nad mitsko deželo Westeros. Trenja med hišami vodijo v obsežno vojno. Medtem ko se zelo...

  • 2019
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    The Boys

    The Boys

    8.46 2019 HD

    Spoznajte monolitsko korporacijo Vought, pod katero spada elitna skupina izjemnih posameznikov imenovana The Seven, v kateri so Homelander, Queen...
