Cadaverous scream legend the Crypt Keeper is your macabre host for these forays of fright and fun based on the classic E.C. Comics tales from back in...
Herr Talman takes an irreverent comedy take on politics with twisted puppet versions of our party leaders. In sketches and songs, the program engages...
Spitting Image is an award winning British satirical puppet show, created by Peter Fluck, Roger Law and Martin Lambie-Nairn. The series was produced...
The show was hosted by Jake, a jovial polar bear, and Stinky, his skunk friend. Other main characters included Armstrong the Chicken Hawk, Ollie the...
Andy Pandy is a British children's television series that premiered on BBC TV in June or July 1950. Originally live, a series of 13 filmed programmes...
Set in the proverbial boomtowns of West-Texas and a modern-day tale of fortune-seeking in the world of oil rigs, the series is an upstairs/downstairs...