Escape is an American anthology series that aired on the NBC network from February 11 to April 1, 1973. The show was a production of Jack Webb's Mark...
An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an asylum, a witch coven,...
Letter to Loretta is an American anthology drama series telecast on NBC from September 1953 to June 1961 for a total of 165 episodes. The filmed show...
Cadaverous scream legend the Crypt Keeper is your macabre host for these forays of fright and fun based on the classic E.C. Comics tales from back in...
Keisuke Yoshimaru is a screenwriter, but instead of working, he is responsible for all household chores. On the other hand, Keisuke's wife, Nami, is...
Dejected after his girlfriend's parents decide to get her married to a more qualified man, Monu, a small-town guy, shifts to NCR for his MBA. Will he...
Ireland is a 2004 South Korean television series starring Lee Na-young, Kim Min-joon, Kim Min-jung and Hyun Bin. It aired on MBC from September 1 to...