The slapstick adventures of hapless Gilligan, long-suffering Skipper and their gang of mismatched castaways, all stranded on an uncharted desert isle...
Manatsu Natsuumi is a first-year junior high school student born and raised on a small island. On the day she moves from the island, She meets Laura,...
Nagasumi's in hot water after a beautiful, young mermaid named Sun saves him from drowning. The deep-sea sweetheart's dad is a merman yakuza prone to...
Kenny the Shark is an animated television series produced by Discovery Kids. The show premiered on NBC's Discovery Kids on NBC from November 1, 2003...
Viveca Stens popular novels come to life in "The Sandhamn Murders", a perfect mix of Nordic crime & the beautiful surroundings of the outer Stockholm...
Gracia and Paloma return to Las Sabinas to look after their father, Emilio. Gracia reunites with her childhood sweetheart, Miguel, who is now engaged...