



  • 2015
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    Man Seeking Woman

    Man Seeking Woman

    7.00 2015 HD

    Josh Greenberg is a naive romantic on a desperate quest for love. When his longtime girlfriend dumps him, Josh enters the dating scene, a nightmarish...

  • 2017
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    Mind Field

    Mind Field

    8.20 2017 HD

    Explore the surprising things we know (and don’t know) about why people are the way they are through expert interviews, rare footage from...

  • 2011
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    Pointless Celebrities

    Pointless Celebrities

    6.10 2011 HD

    Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman present a celebrity version of the general knowledge quiz in which contestants try to come up with the answers...

  • 2003
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    Australian Idol

    Australian Idol

    4.00 2003 HD

    Australian Idol is an Australian singing competition, which began its first season in July 2003 and ended its original run in November 2009 before...

  • 2005
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    A zori zdes tikhie

    A zori zdes tikhie

    3.00 2005 HD

  • 1988
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    Red Dwarf

    Red Dwarf

    8.10 1988 HD

    Sve počinje na Crvenom patuljku, rudarskom brodu planeta Jupiter, gdje Dave Lister zauzima posljednje moguće mjesto. Niže je od Skuttera, robota...

  • 2008
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    Breaking Bad

    Breaking Bad

    8.92 2008 HD

    Walter White je srednjovječni profesor kemije koji jednog dana doznaje da boluje od neizlječivog raka pluća, a prognoze nisu sjajne. Uz sve to,...

  • 2011
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    Game of Thrones

    Game of Thrones

    8.46 2011 HD

    Game of Thrones (Igra Prijestolja) srednjovjekovna je fantazija bazirana na seriji romana Georgea R. R. Martina smještena u izmišljenom...

  • 2014
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    True Detective

    True Detective

    8.29 2014 HD

    Glavni likovi su dva detektiva, Rast Kol i Martin Hart. Godine 2012. u Lujzijani se ponovo otvara slučaj serijskih ubistava iz 1995. godine....

  • 1994
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    8.43 1994 HD

    Naši junaci serije (Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Ross, Chandler i Joey) žive u New Yorku, gdje se odvija velik dio radnje. Najčešće...
