During the Tenpo period, the three samurai under the command of the Nanba magistrate were responsible for handling exceptional cases. However, their...
During the Kyoho period in the reign of Tokugawa Yoshimune, there is a gang of thieves active not just in Edo but also the Tokaido and the Nakasendo,...
The story takes place during the Muromachi period of Ancient Japan, in the midst of the Ōnin War. The main character in the series is Tomiko Hino, a...
This drama tells the story of the Oushu Fujiwara clan spanning generations, 140 years in the late Heian era. They established their domain in Touhoku...
On March 23, 1585, Japanese Christian envoys visited Pope Gregory XIII at the Papal Court in Rome, Italy. The drama begins 45 years earlier - in 1540...
This story revolves around the lives of three teenagers, Berg, Pete and Sharon and how their lives are entwined. It further deals with the bonds they...
This Hour Has 22 Minutes is a weekly Canadian television comedy that airs on CBC Television. Launched in 1993 during Canada's 35th general election,...
"What Life Took From Me" is a Mexican telenovela produced by Angelli Nesma Medina for Televisa. It is a remake of Bodas de odio, produced by Ernesto...