



  • 2021
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    7.20 2021 HD

    V 60-ih letih prejšnjega stoletja v Španiji se ženska, ki je preživela holokavst, pridruži skupini agentov, ki želijo izterjati...

  • 2022
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    The Afterparty

    The Afterparty

    7.28 2022 HD

    Nothing is as it seems in this hilarious murder mystery where each suspect's story is told through a different film genre.

  • 2022
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    Feria: The Darkest Light

    Feria: The Darkest Light

    6.68 2022 HD

    Two sisters must face a new reality — and supernatural elements — when it's revealed their parents participated in a cult ritual ending...

  • 2020
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    Itaewon Class

    Itaewon Class

    8.40 2020 HD

    In a colorful Seoul neighborhood, an ex-con and his friends fight a mighty foe to make their ambitious dreams for their street bar a reality.

  • 2021
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    Kostanjev mož

    Kostanjev mož

    7.50 2021 HD

    Na igrišču najdejo brutalno umorjeno mlado žensko, ki ji manjka roka, nad njo pa visi možic narejen iz kostanjev. Ambiciozna detektiva Naia...

  • 2017
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    Marvel's Runaways

    Marvel's Runaways

    7.40 2017 HD

    Every teenager thinks their parents are evil. What if you found out they actually were? Six diverse teenagers who can barely stand each other must...

  • 2021
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    Knjiga Boba Fetta

    Knjiga Boba Fetta

    7.57 2021 HD

    Boba smo najprej spoznali leta 1983 v filmu Return of the Jedi in nekako je veljalo, da je Boba takrat umrl. A trdoživi najemnik je svojo usodo...

  • 2022
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    Peščeni mož

    Peščeni mož

    7.94 2022 HD

    Nova Netflixova serija, ki je že navdušila tako gledalce kot kritike, je bogata mešanica modernega mita in mračne fantazije, v kateri...

  • 2005
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    How I Met Your Mother

    How I Met Your Mother

    8.15 2005 HD

    A father recounts to his children - through a series of flashbacks - the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their...

  • 2017
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    Rop denarja

    Rop denarja

    8.24 2017 HD

    Da bi izvedel največji rop v zgodovini, skrivnostni mož po imenu Profesor zaposli skupino osmih roparjev, ki imajo eno samo lastnost: nobeden od...
