



  • 2015
    imgS E

    This Is England '90

    This Is England '90

    7.90 2015 HD

    Shaun, Harvey, Gadget, Trev and Kelly hit up the nightlife of raves and ecstasy. Woody and Lol are happy, living together with their kids and Combo...

  • 2008
    imgS E

    The Inbetweeners

    The Inbetweeners

    7.70 2008 HD

    Those who remember the awkward years of adolescence can relive those painful days in this British comedy series, where the cringe-inducing humor...

  • 1981
    imgS E

    Samo bedaki in konji

    Samo bedaki in konji

    8.00 1981 HD

    Legendarna britanska serija, ki velja za najbolj uspešno britansko situacijsko komedijo vseh časov, je polna jedkega humorja, cinizma,...

  • 2013
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    Death Comes to Pemberley

    Death Comes to Pemberley

    6.80 2013 HD

    Adaptation of PD James's bestselling homage to Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth and Darcy, now six years married, are preparing for their annual ball...

  • 2010
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    This Is England '86

    This Is England '86

    7.80 2010 HD

    It's 1986 - the year Maradona ends England's World Cup dreams in Mexico; the year Top Gun is the highest grossing film; the year over 3.4 million...

  • 2022
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    The Bear

    The Bear

    8.21 2022 HD

    Mlad, vrhunski chef Carmy se po bratovem samomoru iz sveta vrhunske kulinarike vrne v Chicago, da nad gladino obdrži družinski bistro s hitro...

  • 1993
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    The Tommyknockers

    The Tommyknockers

    5.60 1993 HD

    A buried UFO slowly turns local inhabitants into gizmo-building alien mutants.

  • 2004
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    7.30 2004 HD

    Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and his trusty agent.

  • 2002
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    Skrivna naveza

    Skrivna naveza

    8.60 2002 HD

    Serija je postavljena v Baltimore v Marylandu in se vrti okoli večnega dvoboja med policijskimi enotami in prekupčevalci z drogo v zahodnem delu...

  • 2018
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    Patrick Melrose

    Patrick Melrose

    7.50 2018 HD

    Pripravite se za dno britanske aristokracije. Patrick Melrose prihaja iz privilegiranega okolja, a ga mučijo travme iz otroštva, ki jih je...
