Pepek námorník

2 Sezóna
230 Epizóda

Pepek námorník

(369 votes, average: 7.10/ 10)

5 minút 1963 HD

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Najslávnejší rozprávkový námorník a konzument špenátu Pepek súperí zo zákerákom Blutom, ktorý sa vždy objaví v nesprávny čas na nesprávnom mieste. Bluto a Pepek aj s priateľkou Oliv Oylovou a svojimi synovcami prinášajú v každom dieli dávku zábavy a ponaučenia.





  • 1981
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    6.90 1981 HD

    Známe veselé príbehy plné dobrodružstiev, ktoré sa odohrávajú v dedinke Šmolkov, kde sa...

  • 1978
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    The All-New Popeye Hour

    The All-New Popeye Hour

    6.70 1978 HD

    The All-New Popeye Hour is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and King Features Syndicate. Starring the popular...

  • 1985
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    Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors

    Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors

    6.80 1985 HD

    The Lightning League drives white and silver vehicles with assorted weaponry, and are led by a teenager named Jayce. The villains are organic green...

  • 1967
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    The Herculoids

    The Herculoids

    7.20 1967 HD

    Somewhere out in the deep space live the Herculoids. Humanoid Zandor, along with his wife Tara and son Dorno, lead a group of unique creatures: Zok...

  • 1996
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    Princesse Shéhérazade

    Princesse Shéhérazade

    8.70 1996 HD

  • 1977
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    CB Bears

    CB Bears

    5.30 1977 HD

    CB Bears was an American 60-minute animated comedy television series produced by Hanna-Barbera which aired on NBC from September 10 to December 3,...

  • 1957
    imgS E



    6.80 1957 HD

    The Maverick boys - Bret, Bart, Beau and Brent - are a clan of well-dressed dandies, gamblers who'd much rather make their money playing cards than...

  • 1962
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    The Jetsons

    The Jetsons

    7.23 1962 HD

    Zoznámte sa s Georgom Jetsonom a jeho svojráznou rodinou: manželkou Jane, synom Elroyom a dcérou Judy. Život v automatizovanom...

  • 1979
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    Pat & Mat

    Pat & Mat

    7.80 1979 HD

    Príbehy o dvoch nezručných majstroch – Patovi a Matovi. V každej epizóde sa Pat a Mat snažia vyriešiť...

  • 2013
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    Cyclops Girl Cypu

    Cyclops Girl Cypu

    7.20 2013 HD

    When Fuuka hit her second year of middle school, puberty kicked in. Now she's really tall and has huge boobs. Due to her hairstyle, her classmates...
