Monty is a mechanic struggling to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters. When the court awards custody of his daughters to his shady...
Bosco is the son of a minister arrested for corruption, misappropriation of public funds, money laundering and a lot more of economic crimes. Selfie...
One day, King Yeremei decides to go on a long hike in order to consider all his areas and compile their register. A well appears on his way home, but...
Emma has left Russia to live with her husband in Italy. Now a member of a powerful industrial family, she is the respected mother of three, but feels...
Rory is an ambitious entrepreneur who brings his American wife and kids to his native country, England, to explore new business opportunities. After...
Famed forensic psychiatrist Dr. Jack Gramm enjoys a reputation as one of the most sought-after profilers around. His expert testimony has resulted in...