



  • 2017
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    My Huckleberry Friends

    My Huckleberry Friends

    9.10 2017 HD

    Yu Zhou Zhou, a math prodigy, defies her teachers and family's expectations and elects to study liberal arts. Though the transition from math &...

  • 2012
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    İşler Güçler

    İşler Güçler

    7.80 2012 HD

    İşler Güçler, is a Turkish comedy series which first aired on 28 June 2012 on Star TV and tells the story of 3 actors, with the motto,...

  • 1982
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    The Young Ones

    The Young Ones

    7.86 1982 HD

    The misadventures of four lunatic students who live in a shared student house. There's Rick, the overblown political one addicted to Cliff Richard,...

  • 1992
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    The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles

    The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles

    6.50 1992 HD

    At the dawn of the 20th century, Indiana Jones discovered the world. From globetrotting family expeditions as a 9-year-old to the battlefields of...

  • 2016
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    Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

    Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

    7.30 2016 HD

    Set nearly a decade after the finale of the original series, this revival follows Lorelai, Rory and Emily Gilmore through four seasons of change.

  • 2000
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    Big Brother

    Big Brother

    5.00 2000 HD

    American version of the reality game show which follows a group of HouseGuests living together 24 hours a day in the "Big Brother" house, isolated...

  • 2015
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    Narkotikų prekeiviai

    Narkotikų prekeiviai

    8.00 2015 HD

    Tikrais įvykiais paremtame seriale – Kolumbijos „kokaino karaliaus“ Pablo Eskobaro istorija. Pasakojama apie jo iškilimą...

  • 2017
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    24 valandos: palikimas

    24 valandos: palikimas

    6.11 2017 HD

    Praėjus trejiems metams po įvykių paskutiniame „24 valandų“ sezone, Erikas Karteris grįžta į Jungtines Amerikos Valstijas. Savo...

  • 2000
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    Franko Herberto „Kopa“

    Franko Herberto „Kopa“

    6.90 2000 HD

    Veiksmas vyksta ateityje. Galaktiką valdo Imperatorius, atskiras planetas – kilmingos šeimos. Svarbiausia planeta – Arakis...

  • 2010
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    7.77 2010 HD

    Louis C.K. stars as a fictionalized version of himself; a comedian and newly divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.
