The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln Sal: 1924 Welat: United States of America Genre: History, Drama Studio: Rockett-Lincoln Film Co. Keyword: biography, american civil war, ulysses s. grant, robert e lee, abraham lincoln, partially lost film, caleb blood smith, allan pinkerton Serek: Phil Rosen Avdan: George A. Billings, Danny Hoy, Ruth Clifford, Nell Craig, Irene Hunt, Westcott Clarke
The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln Genre: History, Drama Studio: Rockett-Lincoln Film Co. Keyword: biography, american civil war, ulysses s. grant, robert e lee, abraham lincoln, partially lost film, caleb blood smith, allan pinkerton Avdan: George A. Billings, Danny Hoy, Ruth Clifford, Nell Craig, Irene Hunt, Westcott Clarke