Strange events unfold in a monkey-inhabited village, drive a newlywed couple and forest officials to embark on a mission to uncover the root cause of...
Left-wing firebrand leader Pannyannoor Mukundhan forged in the crucible of left-wing politics of Malabar, always facing threats of violence and even...
Eby, an immature managing director desperately trying to retrieve his laptop from an income tax officer, finds himself caught in a web of deceit and...
Yu Azuma, a high school girl, aims to be an idol. To achieve her dream, she sets four rules for herself: she will not be active on social media, she...
A doctor works in a clinic in a village run by his sister's father-in-law. When he meets a villager, he realises that he and his gang had ragged and...
Tad is a celebrity archaeologist and adventurer just like his hero Max Mordon... in his dreams! In reality, Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One...