



  • 1981
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    Hill Street Blues

    Hill Street Blues

    7.60 1981 HD

    Legendaarinen poliisisarja, joka kertoo ylikuormitetun poliisiaseman kuumeisesta arjesta ja henkilöstön ihmissuhteista riemuineen ja...

  • 1987
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    My Two Dads

    My Two Dads

    6.30 1987 HD

    Joey and Michael, who fought over the same woman 13 years ago now have, upon her death, been awarded joint custody of her daughter - who might be...

  • 1987
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    A Different World

    A Different World

    7.10 1987 HD

    A Different World is a spin-off series from The Cosby Show and originally centered on Denise Huxtable and the life of students at Hillman College, a...

  • 1993
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    7.10 1993 HD

    After charming her reclusive grandfather and falling in love with the beautiful mountain he calls home, Heidi is uprooted and sent to Frankfurt where...

  • 1988
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    War of the Worlds

    War of the Worlds

    6.20 1988 HD

    Humanity must resume its war against the Martians when they revive after decades of hibernation following their defeat in the 1950s. The fate of...

  • 2010
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    Sadan taalan remontti

    Sadan taalan remontti

    10.00 2010 HD

    Ohjelman jokaisessa jaksossa remonttiryhmällä on 100 dollaria ja 3 päivää aikaa loihtia kaaoksesta kaunis tila.

  • 1978
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    Diff'rent Strokes

    Diff'rent Strokes

    7.03 1978 HD

    The series stars Gary Coleman and Todd Bridges as Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African American boys from Harlem who are taken in by a rich white...

  • 2001
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    Kova laki: Rikollinen mieli

    Kova laki: Rikollinen mieli

    7.60 2001 HD

    New Yorkin poliisi ratkaisee monimutkaisia tapauksia rikollisten näkökulmilla.

  • 2021
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    Squid Game

    Squid Game

    7.86 2021 HD

    Sadat rahattomat pelaajat ottavat vastaan oudon kutsun kilpailla lasten peleissä. Palkinto on houkutteleva – ja panokset kohtalokkaan...

  • 2020
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    Musta kuningatar

    Musta kuningatar

    8.47 2020 HD

    1950-luvulla orpokodissa asuva nuori tyttö huomaa olevansa hämmentävän lahjakas shakissa ja käy...
