



  • 2009
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    NCIS Los Angeles

    NCIS Los Angeles

    7.54 2009 HD

    Služba za posebne projekte zadužena je za obračun sa opasnim i neuhvatljivim kriminalcima koji predstavlju prijetnju po nacionalnu bezbjednost....

  • 2012
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    Total Drama: Revenge of the Island

    Total Drama: Revenge of the Island

    6.70 2012 HD

    This series takes the contestants back to Camp Wawanakwa, only this time with thirteen new contestants; Anne Maria, B, Brick, Cameron, Dakota, Dawn,...

  • 2004
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    Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital

    Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital

    7.00 2004 HD

    Kingdom is a hospital whose bizarre population includes a brilliant surgeon who lives in the basement, a nearly blind security guard and a nurse who...

  • 2010
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    7.50 2010 HD

    Duboko u središtu države Maine nalazi se gradić Haven u kojeg su ljudi sa posebnim mogućnostima generacijama doseljavali jer im je sam grad...

  • 2011
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    The Witches of Oz

    The Witches of Oz

    5.70 2011 HD

    Serija The Witches of Oz prati život Doroti Gejl, odrasle i poznate književnice knjiga za djecu koje govore o fantastičnoj zemlji Oz, Doroti,...

  • 2017
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    My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

    My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

    7.90 2017 HD

    Full-time students and part-time magical pony-girls, the Equestria Girls are always ready to save the day with the Magic of Friendship!

  • 2017
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    8.10 2017 HD

    Daniel Hondo Harrelson iz Los Angelesa je marinac koji postaje vođa specijalaca u pokušaju da se smanji napetost između lokalne zajednice i...

  • 2008
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    The Real Housewives of Atlanta

    The Real Housewives of Atlanta

    6.00 2008 HD

    Bravo's cameras turn to the Southern states as the network presents this inside look at the Real Housewives of Atlanta. These women handle the...

  • 2014
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    Chicago PD

    Chicago PD

    8.42 2014 HD

    Distrikt 21 čikaške policijske stanice je stvoreno iz dvije različite grupe: uniformisani policajci koji patroliraju ulicama i bave se...

  • 2020
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    Motherland: Fort Salem

    Motherland: Fort Salem

    7.90 2020 HD

    Set in an alternate America where witches ended their persecution over 300 years ago by cutting a deal with the government to fight for their...
