Set in 1945, in Pre-Independent India, the elite, opulent and solemn world of the Chaudhry family, and the wild, mysterious and musical underbelly of...
The story of an unlikely encounter between Gordon, a hexapod operator, and Ayusha, a young woman from the Middle East. Gordon, guardian of a pipeline...
A dramatization of one man's rescue of Jewish refugees in the Nazi-occupied Polish city of Lvov. In Darkness tells the true story of Leopold Soha who...
Set in the backdrop of the 1971 Indo-Pakistan War, the film tells the story of the IAF Squadron Leader Vijay Karnik, and his bravery, patriotism and...
The film follows Ravi, 29 years after the incidents of the first film. The suicidal taxi driver plans to shut shop when a young girl, Aarya, compels...